Thursday, July 16, 2009

Updates on CAS!!

WE HAVE ENDED CAS! well, its not the official end since we haven't submitted it yet and there's still the binding and the theory parts to add in and we're done! yeah!!

so i'm here to blog about all the things we have learnt and experienced while doing the project in lab 8 and 9.

overall, my group rapport was awesome, as we were able to be flexible in handling the times when we are free to do the project together to ensure the smooth running of the whole project. we are lucky though, as we did not have to face too much set backs in our project to cause us to redo the entire project. i have seen time and again, people getting fed up at their project works and it may have caused unnecessary tension in the labs. however, i feel, that as a whole cohort of A&F doing the CAS project, we are more bonded now. personally, i was able to make new friends among the juniors and was glad there were always helping hands around despite the invisible thread of competition among us to get better grades for the project.

the stuffs that we learnt:
  1. the accpac software has many interesting and user-friendly features
  2. processing data entry form, which causes lots of troubles due to the template and logo
  3. recurring and adjustment entries, including those in project specs which were quite hard to do.
  4. void cheques in a new batch which had zero values
  5. year-end closing, done at GL periodic processing after everything was done
  6. AR and AP invoices, opening invoices, credit notes, and the final part which was processing everything and linking it to the receipts and payments respectively.
  7. the basic parts of the projects such as keying in the opening invoices, the transactions which took place (includes the double entry of the transactions), accounts sets, billing cycles, GST settings and segment codes, etc.
  8. the stuff which we learnt during class was also applied in the project and we were lucky cause eunice and me paid good attention while in class so we at least had each other to depend on.
  9. as i was not all that good in accounting, i was glad my team mates we always there to back me up when i was unsure with the double entries and the actions we should take to settle a problem, eg, steps that needs to be taken against a transaction during balance day adjustment.
  10. since accounting isn't all about numbers, this project was a great eye-opener to the kind of software accountants will be exposed to in the actual world and the kinds of internal controls already inplaced in the system to prevent thefts from occuring.
one thing's for sure though, being given the chance to NOT take the subject, i will gladly raise both my arms in support. this is because, despite the amounts of knowlegde gathered in the project, the experience of having to become sardined in space limited labs, fighting over printers and whatnots, the torturous after-school hours spent in labs in front of the screen, thinking of a way out and not finding one, the time-wasting of waiting for available coms and group mates to do the project together and last but not the least, the forever lingering doubts that we have throughout the project was most unbearable. it has always been the factor which makes me wanna quit cause i cannot bear to redo the mountains of work we had already done and not to mention the time spent on the project.

i'm just thankful none of us died in the process and since whatever don't kill us will only make us stronger, i'm content.

Monday, June 22, 2009

bad situations

so right now... i just realised, that teamwork, coordination and careful time planning is very important. yeah, we could have fun and joke around but when it comes to real work, we have to get down and get our hands dirty. what with us having to juggle 5 projects plus CDS works, i think i could just faint at the end of it all. i just wished labs would be better supplied with ACTUALLY WORKABLE coms, cos just now, my group had to open our projects on 7 coms in lab 8 and 3 coms in lab 9 before, FINALLY being able to the OUR saved work. other times, its others work and so much corrupted files...ewwww!!

i also wished that labs can be opened longer and also on saturdays so that we can work on it. cos seriously,with everyday class ending at 4 or even later, we have barely an hour before lab closes or we have to shift to another lab. one of these days, im gonna get real sick man. like i already have the coughs and running nose, and with the current H1N1 getting worse each day, me falling really ill would be inevitable, but with deadlines coming up so close, i don't know how my group is gonna survive.

but we'll have to do it. no matter what challenges. really. ending off on a brighter note, here a peek at last week's group project. too bad jonas wasn't in cause he was busy with work. awww...

Thursday, June 18, 2009

grp 4 cas project

we had just started doing our cas project and for a first time group work, i think i went pretty well despite us facing lots of challenges in the actual starting of the project cause most of us are new to accpac and we had to ask alot of people alot of questions to help us through.

Thankfully, we managed to complete one of the biggest hurdles in our path which is to actually understand the opening of balances and filling in all the debits and credits. despite being down by 1 member, we sure are glad we could balance the opening balances! =DD

and we even started on the transactions and amendments part! woots~

till next time amigos!